Istapp's thoughts
The products are my companions on journeys through
stony and rusty industrial enviroments, in nature beautiful as in
a fairytale where they act as my daring photo models.
I invite you to come with me on my travels with
things handpicked and sold here.
Pleasant journey!
Utvald produkt / Featured product
Tänk att en PALM kan bli så här oAVSIKTLIGt snygg. Tack Carl Johan De Geer!
Imagine that a PALM can become this unINTENTIONALly beautiful. Thanks Carl Johan De Geer!
Född på IKEA 2015 / Born at IKEA 2015.
Rinnande vatten, ett fruset ögonblick, en naturlig formad
skulptur, en istapp. Återigen vatten, en istapps livscykel sprunget ur Skandinaviens klimat.
Flowing water, a frozen moment, a scuplture formed by
nature, an icicle. Yet agian water, the lifecycle of an icicle sprung out of the Scandinavian climate.
© ISTAPP äger rätten till och har Copyright för alla foton, filmer och all text på hemsidan.
© ISTAPP owns the right to and has copyright for all images, videos and all text on the website.